EMR is the doctor module. which is a multi-specialty clinical administration system. It is part of OPD/IPD/ER/OT systems. Ensure paper less workflows for complete patient routing including lab, diagnostics and internal pharmacies.

  • Patient Presenting Complaints.
  • Patient histories
  • Integrated with Pathology.
  • Integrated Patient Diagnostics.
  • Patient prescription and medication history.
  • Maintain Episodes history
  • Integrated with internal pharmacy.
  • Integrated with investigation.
  • Complete paper less workflows.
  • Complete view of other specialties.


EMR, or Electronic Medical Records, pertains to medical health records. Within our digital health system, the term EMR specifically designates the Doctor module, where comprehensive health records for each patient are consolidated. This module encompasses the recording of patient history, examinations, laboratory results, investigations, and medications related to various departments such as OPD, IPD, OT, and ER.

The transition from legacy systems to digital health solutions involves a comprehensive process that aims to enhance efficiency, accessibility, and overall healthcare outcomes. Digital health system transforms health to paperless environment.